I recently downloaded a song called " God Loves All His Rednecks Just The Same". It describes our crew so well. I don't know any crowd that can have as much fun as we do. It requires such a bare minimum to hang, a six pack (uh, maybe a 24 pack or a liter of Lord) something with 4 (or 6) wheels and a good attitude. You can go anywhere you want, spend as much money as you want but I promise, you will always end up back here looking for us on some county dirt road. Colt Ford says it all with the Dirt Road Anthem and if the county ever wants to pave your dirt road, you say "HELL NO"!
Paul was headed out
This is all that survived the party last night, the hard core ten that could still hang after staying out till three AM this AM. (Just kidding)
Mark and his two ADORABLE grandkids, Cole and Connor.
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