Saturday, January 17, 2009

Redneck Ice Maker

Our ice maker broke awhile back so we count on mother nature at least once a year to add alittle ice to our cooler. If you pick the largest vehicle in the yard you can get alot of ice.

Dale and Sarah are harvesting ice but as you can see Sarah eats more than she puts in the cooler.

Check out these big ones!

Sarah decided to finally help instead of eat.

If you think Sarah is greedy, you should see Beau. He tried to take this one away from her.

Dale showed Sarah how to share nicely. What a sweet daddy.

Beau wins this round!

Sarah just can't stop eating.

1 comment:

twistenpanties said...

Yeap, that's definetly a redneck icemaker (especially for someone who does not use ice for their beer) Great Pics. Beau has gotten big, he is a pretty dog.