I was within 50 feet of my destination which was seriously hidden from view when I had a question about a tree in the road and which way in the fork did I turn. I called Ruby and she told me to take the 2nd right. (Huh? 2nd right? I'm at a fork) Whatever, I took a right and ended up miles down the road on a pigtrail that my truck would barely fit thru. Called Ruby back since Cody and Sarah were getting alittle worried. She said blow your horn, so I blew but her and Duck could not hear me so we were officially lost. Thank goodness I have tires that leave good tracks 'cause Cody had no idea where we were. Anyway, we made it to the right place but about that time the whole scenario started over with a phone call from Ben and Lydia, "Hey y'all, how did you say you get there?" Hey Ben, just follow the tracks! Sorry Ben, I forgot it was raining at that point, not good for tracking.
Duck says this is called the cement landing. Those markers are for the 1973 and 1984 floods. There has been a sign removed recently from the post and we all wondered if it was for the 2009 flood or if it has been marked yet?
Cody tried to scare Sarah but she just thought it was fun.
Sarah loves her big brother!
"Old Scars" Do you see the railroad spikes in this tree? Some had been completely covered by the tree thru the years with new growth.
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