My brother and his family finally had the opportunity to join us this weekend. his work schedule makes it tricky but it finally feel into place. My brother and I went thru a hard time between Thanksgiving and Christmas but the old saying about something good coming out of everything sure is true. I thought Merritt and I were close before but our grandpa gave us a gift when he left us on Christmas. The gift was our time spent together with him that taught us we were more than sister and brother, we were FRIENDS. They arrived Friday night. Saturday morning we went for a walk along the Aucilla Sinks. I am so glad that they could come.

Trip was trying out his waterproof boots.

Hannah was hesitant at first, but she sure got the hang of it quick.

Sarah is happy to follow Hannah.

Merritt nearly had a mishap. The camera was ready but believe it or not he found his footing. It would have been a shame for him to get wet since he was just beginning to thaw out after last night in the camper.

Even though Trip is getting help across he still has to give it a little jump of his own.

Sarah gets a helping hand across.

Hannah is too big for a helping hand. Check out Trip on the far right. He was having a blast.

After explaining to the kids that Black Bears live in these woods, they were on the look-out. Fortunately, this was the only bear we spotted close-up today. I tried tricking the kids several times with "bear sign" but they are too smart for me and never fell for it.

Dead Man's Sink

Hannah was about to bounce and Sarah had just seen the camera. Watch out, she hates it when she sees the lens aimed at her, even though I wasn't taking her picture, I was trying to catch Hannah.

The three of them were really good about taking turns. Trip had just landed and was on his way back to the line.

Poor Debra, Mark is a slave driver. He's driving (or attempting to), Lydia is taking a picture and little ol' Debra is pulling them out. She's stronger than she looks!

Ben's in the background doing God knows what, you would think he could help Debra.

I rode on this trailer for a very short time, it was rough! Finally, I decided to ride in the back of the Polaris and Trip took my seat. He and Monica look pretty happy despite the constant bouncing. We made memories this weekend that we will all cherish a lifetime. I hope it is just the beginning.
1 comment:
I hope Merritt and Monica (Iknow the kids did) had a good time, that is after they thawed out! It was nice meeting them (again, could not remember the first meeting). PS I'm glad you started posting again, I always enjoy you pics...
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