I came down with a "condition" about a year ago that causes you to look only at the ground while walking in certain areas. Despite the possibility of seeing beautiful sights and majestic animals, I still continue to look downward at the dirt.
I spent Sunday afternoon with my parents and Sarah and I am pretty sure that they have both come down with the same affliction. Daddy spent most of the day in the position as seen in the above photo. It did not seem to matter that we were in rattlesnake country during July with no snake boots.
My mom is generally afraid of everything that moves, spiders and snakes are spawns of satan to be avoided at all costs but it appears that she is afflicted too and is thus oblivious to all her surroundings except the dirt just in front of her previously clean tennis shoes.
I certainly hope there is a cure for this affliction. I have several friends that are affected as well. I can only blame Debra for passing it to me.