Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lost Again


There are times when your friends should take control. A good example would be me (Janice) saying, "let's go this way, I think it goes to such and such road, I know because I marked it on my GPS". That is the perfect time for my friends to step in and say "NO"! But they were acting like it was my birthday or something today, treating me real special and letting me have my way, so off we went.

This is Debra and Tammy after we were rescued, they were looking at the woods that we had just walked with disbelief on their faces.

Deb, Tammy and I began walking behind the Tin Shed which is in the middle of f-ing nowhere to begin with. A bear has been scratching the posts that hold the old structure up. Between us and our destination are many obstacles, hunters(with guns), snakes, bear, swamp, heavy brush and hundreds of acres of forest but we were determined. I forgot, who's idea was this? Did I mention the thorns, I am still bleeding from this expedition.

This is my side of the jeep, the floor is about under water on our rescue trip out of the woods.

We called Dale and Mark once we got to the point that we could no longer wade thru the dark, murky water. We honestly could not see more than 5 feet ahead in the woods. The briers and bushes were so thick, we just hung our heads and barrelled thru like cows until the vines completely stopped us, it was a war of wills but the woods won. This is Mark and Dale trying to get us out, Mark is like, "are you kidding me?"

Deb and Tammy are riding in the back of our Jeep on the way out, just look where we were walking, is that the road or the damn river?

Mark and Joe were waiting for us, Mark lost his muffler on the rock he hit in the middle of the road/river. We had previously warned him.

Somebody got some parts wet or either the Indians are coming, cause I see smoke.

Joe was rushing us on the way home. Joe, you are invading my personal space, could you please back up alittle?....damn!

As usual, we park, everybody is safe and sound and we build a fire, god knows where, but we are warm.

You can always count on Ben to add alittle excitement to the night, first he tried to run over us then he wanted to load his truck on Duck's trailer.

Then Mark's trailer. Didn't fit. One more Friday Night In Dixie, time to have some fun.......................

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